What is one of the key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring the success of an online community?
- Number of community moderators
- Geographical location of most members
- Number of non-active members
- Number of members
Explanation: One of the key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring the success of an online community is the number of members. This metric is correct because the size of the community reflects its reach and potential impact. A growing number of members indicates that the community is attracting new participants and expanding its audience, which can lead to increased engagement, diverse perspectives, and a broader range of contributions. Additionally, a larger membership base provides opportunities for networking, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration among members, contributing to the community’s overall value proposition. However, it’s essential to consider quality alongside quantity; while a large membership base can be indicative of success, it’s equally crucial to ensure that members are active, engaged, and deriving value from their participation. Therefore, tracking the number of members serves as a foundational KPI for evaluating the growth and reach of an online community, providing insights into its overall performance and potential for fostering meaningful interactions and connections among its members.