Which Ads Manager setting lets advertisers drive Snapchatters to a specific action upon viewing their ad?
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Snapchat Essentials Exam Answers
You have 30 minutes to answer all 20 questions. You need a score of 80% of higher to pass, which translates to 16 out of 20 questions correct. If you do not pass, review the courses, then retake the exam.
Advertisers should ensure the image or video acts as a teaser with actionable messaging to incentivize Snapchatters to swipe up if they run an ad with what?
Where can Snapchatters watch premium content created by publishers, media partners, and creators?
Which ad format is a skippable, full-screen single image or video ad that appears in Stories and Discover content?
Which bidding strategy tells Snapchat to drive the most volume while keeping your average CPA at or below the amount set?
Where can you adjust the attribution window in the Manage Ads dashboard?
What delivery feature allows advertisers to optimize campaigns toward specific actions that Snapchatters are most likely to take?
How can advertisers design creative that looks like Snapchat native content?
Which tab does the Snapchat app open to?
In a video ad, advertisers should introduce their brand within how many seconds to maximize awareness?
On which page of the Ads Manager Advanced Create workflow do you design and upload creative?
Shoshannaโs business goal is to drive downloads of her app in the app store. Which campaign objective should she select?
Carole notices her video ad has a high amount of impressions, but a low swipe-up rate. What action should she take to optimize her creative?
Where in the app can you view Snaps submitted to Our Story from across the world?
What page in Ads Manager shows visual dashboards of performance and spend metrics advertisers can use to monitor campaigns?
The Snapchat Generation comprises which two generations?
95% of Snapchatters say the app makes them feel:
Members of the Snapchat Generation have purchase influence, direct buying power, and are still forming what?
On which page of the Ads Manager Advanced Create workflow do you choose placement, targeting, and delivery options?
Which ad format lets advertisers use pre-existing templates to showcase anything from a product catalog?
Which Ads Manager setting lets advertisers drive Snapchatters to a specific action upon viewing their ad?
By vmartinez
Which Ads Manager setting lets advertisers drive Snapchatters to a specific action upon viewing their ad?
By vmartinez
Which ad format lets advertisers use pre-existing templates to showcase anything from a product catalog?
By vmartinez
On which page of the Ads Manager Advanced Create workflow do you choose placement, targeting, and delivery options?
By vmartinez
Members of the Snapchat Generation have purchase influence, direct buying power, and are still forming what?
By vmartinez
95% of Snapchatters say the app makes them feel:
By vmartinez
The Snapchat Generation comprises which two generations?