It is good to pay attention to technical aspects when you’re doing SEO, but ignoring them wouldn’t be a big mistake.
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SEO Fundamentals Course with Greg Gifford Exam Answers
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By vmartinez
It is good to pay attention to technical aspects when you’re doing SEO, but ignoring them wouldn’t be a big mistake.
By vmartinez
HTTPS is a protocol with a security certificate that encrypts communication between your computer and a site, so no one can see the data that’s transmitted.
By vmartinez
What are the “10 blue links?”
By vmartinez
What do Google spiders do?
By vmartinez
Fill in the blank: In the late 90s, Larry Page and Sergey Brin were working on their own search engine, and at that time they were the first \_\_\_\_\_\_.
By vmartinez
Fill in the blanks: The text within the \_\_\_\_\_\_ tag usually populates the text of your blue link on a Google SERP, and the text within the \_\_\_\_\_\_ tag populates the grey text underneath.