True or false? The Ranking distribution report allows you to see the number of keywords in a campaign you and your competitors have in the top 3, top 10, top 20 and top 100 positions.
- False
- True
Home » SEMrush Rank Tracking Test Answers
SEMrush Rank Tracking Test Answers
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By vmartinez
True or false? The Ranking distribution report allows you to see the number of keywords in a campaign you and your competitors have in the top 3, top 10, top 20 and top 100 positions.
By vmartinez
Choose 2 correct statements about the Featured Snippets report in the Position Tracking tool.
By vmartinez
In what Google positions can you check the popularity of a HTTPS protocol extension by viewing a donut diagram in the Sensor tool? Choose 2 answers.
By vmartinez
Sensor shows the actual SERP volatility level, which reflects the speed of changes in Google search results. What SENSOR score refers to a normal volatility level?
By vmartinez
Which report in Position tracking can help you to determine pages that rank or do not rank for a certain keyword and at the same time pages that rank with a specific aggregate volume?
By vmartinez
Which metric based on CTR shows a website’s progress in Google’s top 100 for keywords that are currently tracked?