Where in Search Ads 360 can you find forecasting to assess incremental opportunities for your target return on ad spend (tROAS) strategy?
- Bid strategy report
- Campaign tab
- Tools & Settings
- Performance Center
In Search Ads 360, you can find forecasting to assess incremental opportunities for your target return on ad spend (tROAS) strategy in the **Bid Strategy Report**. This report provides valuable insights into the performance and potential outcomes of your bidding strategies. It allows advertisers to forecast the impact of adjustments to their target metrics, such as tROAS, on campaign performance. By utilizing the Bid Strategy Report, advertisers can make informed decisions about their bidding strategies, ensuring they align with business objectives and deliver the desired return on investment. This feature is crucial for optimizing and fine-tuning campaigns, providing a forward-looking perspective to enhance the effectiveness of advertising efforts within Search Ads 360.