You can create, edit, and share notes, reports, and checklists with Google Keep and Google Docs. Drag and drop features to each tool.
- Download files as a PDF
- Use smart canvas to @-mention people, files and meetings
- Label, color, or pin notes
- Save a drawing as a note
- Archive notes & lists
- Set up reminders for your notes
- Use smart compose to help you write faster
Sure, here’s how you can use the features you mentioned with Google Keep and Google Docs:
Google Keep:
- Set up reminders for your notes: You can set time or location-based reminders for your notes.
- Save a drawing as a note: You can create a drawing and save it as a note.
- Label, color, or pin notes: You can organize your notes by adding labels, changing their color, or pinning them to the top of your list.
- Archive notes & lists: You can archive your notes and lists to keep your workspace tidy.
Google Docs:
- Download files as a PDF: You can download your documents as PDF files.
- Use smart canvas to @-mention people, files and meetings: You can use the smart canvas feature to collaborate more effectively by @-mentioning people, files, and meetings.
- Use smart compose to help you write faster: Smart Compose suggests complete sentences in your document to help you write faster.
Remember, both tools allow you to create, edit, and share notes, reports, and checklists. Choose the one that best suits your needs.