If your company goals are to increase consideration and intent, you should be concerned with the following metrics:
- Sentiment, Saves, Shares, Pins
- Impressions, engagement, and conversation
- Clicks, sales, sign-ups, and downloads
Home » Getting Started with Influencer Partnerships - Certification Path Exam Answers » Page 7
Getting Started with Influencer Partnerships - Certification Path Exam Answers
URL: https://pxa.impact.com/student/path/1099689-getting-started-with-influencer-partnerships-learning-path-certification
By vmartinez
If your company goals are to increase consideration and intent, you should be concerned with the following metrics:
By vmartinez
What is the main benefit of the Mid-tier influencer?
By vmartinez
If your goals are tied to reach and branding, you should consider using:
By vmartinez
A brand which has identified the influencers that work well for it should look into the content retainer payment model. Is this statement true or false?
By vmartinez
In the affiliate payment model, influencers are paid out on a commission basis rather than in a fixed-fee capacity. Is this statement true or false?
By vmartinez
What is the main benefit of the Nano influencer tier?