Your client has very specific brand guidelines, so you need to help them set up universal brand controls across all products. Within the Display & Video 360 account settings hierarchy, what’s the highest level you should use?
- Insertion order & Campaign
- Partner & Advertiser
- Line item & Campaign
- Campaign & Partner
Explanation: When setting up universal brand controls in Display & Video 360 to ensure consistency with specific brand guidelines across all products, the highest level within the account settings hierarchy that should be utilized is “Partner and advertiser.” This level provides a broad scope that covers multiple campaigns and advertisers, allowing for the enforcement of consistent branding elements across various initiatives and partnerships. By implementing controls at the “Partner and advertiser” level, your client can maintain brand uniformity and adhere to their guidelines seamlessly throughout their Display & Video 360 activities. This ensures a cohesive brand experience across all campaigns and partnerships within the account.