For your campaign to receive credit for conversions, you must associate the appropriate ASINs or pixels to your campaign in order settings.
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Amazon DSP Advanced Certification Answers
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You can create audiences from data captured by Amazon Ad tag, in the audiences tab of Amazon DSP.
By vmartinez
For your campaign to receive credit for conversions, you must associate the appropriate ASINs or pixels to your campaign in order settings.
By vmartinez
By vmartinez
A customer purchases a product from your brand that is not a tracked ASIN for your campaign. The purchase will be counted as a brand halo purchase, allowing you to understand the overall lift in brand-wide conversions from your campaign.
By vmartinez
Is it a best practice to select multiple private marketplace deals on the same line item?
By vmartinez
What advertiser insights can you use to build lookalike audiences?
By vmartinez
Third-party video creative type supports which of the following third-party tags?