Your footwear apparel client wants to know when they should make optimizations to their newly launched bid strategy in their Search Ads 360 campaign. Assuming there’s no conversion delay, what would you tell them?
- You’d tell them to make the optimizations during weeks two to three.
- You’d tell them to make the optimizations during weeks six to eight.
- You’d tell them to make the optimizations during week one.
- You’d tell them to make the optimizations during week four.
For optimal results, you should advise your footwear apparel client to make optimizations to their newly launched bid strategy in their Search Ads 360 campaign during **weeks two to three**. This timeframe allows for sufficient data collection and statistical significance to assess the bid strategy’s performance effectively. Making optimizations too early might not provide a comprehensive understanding of the bid strategy’s effectiveness, while waiting too long could result in missed opportunities for improvement. Weeks two to three strike a balance, allowing advertisers to gather enough data to inform meaningful adjustments without delaying optimization efforts.
It’s crucial to allow a bid strategy sufficient time to process and learn from the data, which is why the recommended period is at least two weeks from the launch date, even if there’s no conversion delay. This timeframe provides the algorithm with the opportunity to calibrate effectively.
Typically, a new bid strategy requires one to two weeks of calibration based on the incoming conversion data. The duration of this initial learning period is important as it dictates when meaningful optimizations can be made and performance can be accurately assessed.
During the second or third week, you should review whether the constraints set within the bid strategy are hindering its ability to optimize. If your business objectives permit, you may adjust these constraints to enhance performance and drive better results for your client’s Search Ads 360 campaign.