You’ve created a video ad with an awareness objective, but have noticed that viewers have been dropping off very quickly. You want viewers to pay attention to the entire ad. Which element should you focus on to help viewers better engage?
Call-to-action (CTA)
Explanation: The correct element to focus on in order to help viewers better engage with a video ad, especially when aiming to retain their attention for the entire duration, is **’Audio.’** Audio plays a crucial role in capturing and maintaining viewer attention, as it can convey emotions, deliver messages, and create a more immersive experience. By optimizing the audio component of the ad, such as using compelling voiceovers, background music, or sound effects, advertisers can enhance the overall appeal of the ad and entice viewers to stay engaged for longer periods. Additionally, well-crafted audio can complement the visual elements of the ad, reinforcing key messages and storytelling elements. Furthermore, in scenarios where viewers may not be actively watching the screen, such as when the video is playing in the background, engaging audio can still capture their attention and encourage them to pay closer attention to the ad. Therefore, focusing on improving the audio component of the video ad is crucial for increasing viewer engagement and retention, especially in the context of an awareness objective where capturing and maintaining attention is paramount.