While working with your jewelry designer client, you learn that they created a line item in their Display & Video 360 web campaign that accidentally targeted mobile in-app. After removing that mobile in-app targeting at the insertion level, the campaign is still targeting mobile in-app. Why could that be?
- Because you can’t modify existing line item targeting at the insertion order level.
- Because you can’t modify targeting for mobile in-app inventory at the line item level.
- Because you can’t modify insertion order targeting at the line item level.
- Because you can’t modify targeting once the campaign has line items assigned.
In Display & Video 360, if a line item in a web campaign is mistakenly targeting mobile in-app, and the targeting is removed at the insertion order level, the campaign may still target mobile in-app. This is because existing line item targeting cannot be modified at the insertion order level. Once line items are created within a campaign, their targeting settings remain fixed at the line item level. To rectify the issue, modifications need to be made directly at the line item level, as changes at the insertion order level won’t impact existing line item settings.